Our Mission

At Sytecnic, we are more than a clothing store. Our purpose is to raise the attention and awareness to environmental, social and community issues like global warming crisis and mental health through simple and direct messaging using images and slogan that highlight the many challenges and problems that as a planet and a community, we face every day. We believe that streetwear can be a powerful force for change. We design and provide t-shirts that empower individuals to promote Environmental and social messaging, to make a positive impact on our lives, on the environment, and on our One Planet.




tree in two with very different environments Earth Day or World Environment Day Global Warming and Pollution image file

Our Story

Our journey began with simple ideas to create streetware that reflects our values and passions for environmental and community challenge that we face on a daily basis. 

We design t-shirts with messages and images that focus on One Planet issues, which also look good.

What makes us go aha

We passionately believe that we have only One Planet for everyone to share and live harmoniously in. And we believe that we all make choice’s that affect the planet, our communities and how we live together. At Sytecnic we want to contribute to making a positive difference and keep reminding everyone that we are aware of the Global Environmental and Community issues and the society we live in. Make enlightened choices now, it not a problem for tomorrow. 



We design images that are compelling and thought-provoking to emphasis environmental responsibility messaging. Our t-shirts are more than just garments; they are symbols of a conscious lifestyle, sparking conversations and raising awareness about the importance of global action.

Free Environment Protection photo and picture



Beyond our products, we strive to be a force for positive change in the industry. We actively engage with our community, partnering with environmental organizations and supporting initiatives that align with our values. By fostering a sense of collective responsibility, we aim to amplify our impact and create a sustainable future for generations to come.

“…it feels great being able to contribute to making our One Planet more sustainable and socially aware and a better place to live in.”

Together with our customers, employees, and partners, we are building a movement for conscious fashion. Join us on this journey as we redefine the relationship between fashion and our community, one t-shirt at a time. Together, we can create a world where style and sustainability unite, and our choices make a lasting positive impact.

Our Products